One of the most famous advocates of bitcoin has been Elon Musk. The billionaire founder of SpaceX and Tesla has said that he is a fan of cryptocurrency for many years. The downside of this is that criminals on Twitter are pretending to be Musk in an attempt to rip people off. There are a number of bitcoin scams that are being perpetrated on Twitter by people claiming to be Musk. News of this has gotten back to the entrepreneur. He says that the best thing that people can do right now is to report any instances of people claiming to be him and asking for bitcoin.

Musk has said that he would never get involved in any business deal concerning bitcoin by using his Twitter account to promote it. Musk said that any person on Twitter claiming to be him and asking for bitcoin is a scammer. He asked Twitter to delete many of the accounts that were being used to commit the fraud. The hackers would target an account that is verified. They would then switch the name of the account to Elon Musk and put the same profile photo that he uses. This would make it very hard for people to tell that the account did not actually belong to Musk and that the tweets were not coming from him.

These bitcoin scams on Twitter involving Elon Musk imposters have been going on for a very long time. Musk finally had seen enough and decided to talk about them on his Twitter account. He wants the public to know that these scammers are out there so they do not get ripped off. Musk is hoping that Twitter will do its part to shut down the hackers who are perpetrating these crimes. Only time will tell if they will do this.

Twitter has been slow to act when situations like this have arisen in the past. However, the fact that a very famous person like Musk is involved will cause the social media company to make this a priority. The amount of verified accounts being hacked should be very concerning to Twitter. The fact that criminals are using Twitter to commit fraud on a massive and global scale is something that threatens the credibility of the entire platform. It remains to be seen what action Twitter is going to take in order to remedy the rampant bitcoin scams.


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