It is no secret that President Donald Trump is not a fan of cryptocurrency. He has said as much in several tweets earlier this year. By itself, that would not be a big deal. However, President Trump announced a nationwide ban on flavored e-cigarettes. This is because he believes that vaping is a national health crisis that is causing illness among young people. This has caused advocates of Bitcoin to worry that cryptocurrency might be the next target of Trump. He could possibly issue an executive order that makes it illegal to trade Bitcoin in the United States.

There has been no indication that Trump has any plans to ban cryptocurrency. However, the fact that Trump has a history of being unpredictable and acting impulsively makes Bitcoin investors very nervous. It remains to be seen what Trump will do. Another thing that makes people uneasy about the future of Bitcoin in the United States is the fact that many other top politicians agree with Trump. Their main concern seems to be the possible use of Bitcoin in illegal activities like tax evasion. Facebook is currently in the process of creating its own cryptocurrency called Libra. They want to release it next year. However, they are running into problems from the government. There is no firm date for the release of Libra.

The people who are in charge of some of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world are not concerned. They think that it would be a huge leap for Trump to totally ban cryptocurrency in the United States. They think the chances of that sort of ban happening are very small. However, they admit that Trump is capable of almost anything. There have already been countries that have banned Bitcoin. China is the most prominent example of this.

President Trump has not mentioned cryptocurrency since he bashed it on Twitter a few months ago. He has had much bigger issues on his plate. The gun control issue has been an issue that politicians have debated in the wake of several mass shootings. That has helped the subject of cryptocurrency get swept under the rug. Bitcoin owners are still uneasy about what Trump might decide to do in the future. The ban of e-cigarettes took many people by surprise. This also has people concerned that a ban on cryptocurrency could happen without any warning at all. Only time will tell if that happens.


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