MaterializeCSS is one of the most popular front-end frameworks for building websites based on Google’s Material Design. As our development team says, It’s one of the easiest frameworks to work with. The syntax is very similar to Twitter’s Bootstrap and some controls are even easier to use than Bootstrap.

Earlier this week, Our development team was looking for suitable material design frameworks for building pages for two of our new services, Cryptocurrency PR and ICO Marketing. They came across the theme section on MaterializeCSS’s website and found that they accept cryptocurrency payments through Coinbase commerce.

While making the payment we didn’t find the cryptocurrency payment mode, We were only able to find Google Pay and PayPal, so we contacted the team, Alan Chang from MaterializeCSS told,

We have enabled payments through the Coinbase Commerce integration with Shopify. If you go through the checkout process, after you enter in your billing information it will give you the option to choose a payment provider. Among these options are Credit Card, Paypal, and Coinbase.”

It means that the payments are supported through Shopify and to access them one has to fill their billing information and then Coinbase Commerce option would appear. Currently, Coinbase commerce supports 4 cryptocurrencies which include Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin Cash. So one can use any of the above mentioned cryptocurrencies to make payments.

We also reported about, the cryptocurrency marketplace giant, Coinbase filing a patent for a cryptocurrency payment gateway. Earlier this month we reported about, Coinbase launching a WordPress plugin which would allow sites which use WordPress WooCommerce to accept cryptocurrency payments. Despite of the market-downfall, acceptance of cryptocurrencies is increasing which surely is a good sign.


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