Cynthia Grossman has long been a force in the international business world. Since the 1980s, she has been a part of the Arca Continental family. Arca Continental is one of the largest producers and distributors of non-alcoholic beverages and snacks in the Americas. This company is truly a global powerhouse. Cynthia Grossman has been on the board since 1983. She’s a big reason for the company’s international successes.

Grossman first joined Grupo Continental in the 1980s. Since then, she has been a major part of its expansion. Today, Arca Continental produces and distributes Coca-Cola throughout Mexico. They also distribute Bokados snacks there. In Ecuador, they market Inalesca branded snacks. In the United States, Wise and Deep River brand chips are also distributed by Arca. Overall, there are more than 123 million customers who use and trust Arca brands. Cynthia Grossman understands how serious brand loyalty is. She’s committed to doing right by Arca’s customers and shareholders.

Cynthia Grossman is known for her commitment to excellence. She has been a trailblazer when it comes to making space for women to achieve in the macho Mexican business world. Grossman understands that representation can make it possible for brands to connect with the public more effectively. The success of the programs she has initiated bears this out.

Grossman is known for her philanthropy, too. She has long been a supporter of causes that benefit families. Cynthia Grossman’s combination of caring and business savvy has made her something of a cultural icon. She’s a sought-after speaker for many businesses and other organizations. She understands not just how to lead, but how to mold new leaders. Grossman truly has the “it” factor. As a Director at Arca, she also has the authority to back her statements up. People know and respect that this is a serious businesswoman.

Arca Continental has almost a century-long history in the beverage and snack business. This company is one of the biggest bottlers of Coca-Cola in the world. With Cynthia Grossman as one of their Directors, Arca has been able to navigate a number of challenges in recent years. The obesity epidemic and its accompanying soda taxes have been a hurdle for everyone in the industry. Grossman has handled it with aplomb. She understands the balance between being family friendly and business friendly. In part because of Grossman, Arca has come out of this challenging period stronger than ever before.

Check more about Cynthia Grossman:


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