Opus Consulting Solutions is a firm that specializes in e-commerce and retail payment transactions. They are currently operating in almost 100 countries, which give them the ability to tackle complex transactions as well as negotiate international businesses. A few of the transactions the company is working on are mobile payments, credit card account payments, and processing.

Mobile payments or frictionless payment is a way for a consumer to make a payment through their cell phone, tablet, or other electronic devices. This type of payment process is becoming very popular because of the ease of use. Many companies are establishing lines in this form of payment some of the frontrunners that are using this type of payment technology exclusively are the ride share service Uber, and Lyft.

Opus Consulting’s main area of concern with these types of Mobile payment is security for the consumer and the business. This type of mobile payment can have several access points for hacking, but some ways the consulting firm has put up roadblocks are putting in place barriers that require identification in the form of a token. Token access verifies the user, but it is much more secure than the traditional PIN system. Some forms of identification that Opus is avoiding are passwords. Passwords can be seen as an antiquated access system. Technology now allows for verification through biological details, which can be coupled with tokens to help create a network security. Although computer hackers are constantly creating new ways to access payment portals, Opus Consulting Solutions is always studying and evolving the cutting edge of purchases and payments.

To make the payment process as simple as possible, the use of voice-controlled payments is the key. Voice activated devices are becoming common in most households. Homeowners can quickly sum up an item, order a delivery, and make a payment without ever opening their physical wallet to pull out a plastic credit card. Opus Consulting sees this as the future of all payments from home and in a traditional brick-and-mortar store. The amount of transactions that will become voice paid will increase dramatically and quickly. Consulting firms will have to keep up with consumer and e-commerce pace in this arena.

Some of the same security techniques will be put into protocol for voice paying. Some additional layers of safety that can be put in place at brick-and-mortar stores is the finger touch verification, and this marker can also be used to activate mobile payments. There are many layers of security that Opus Consulting Solutions continually works into their programs, but they taking clients concern at the forefront of their processes while offering the consumer a stress-free transaction that makes their purchases simple.

Opus Consulting uses many platforms to integrate payments in every situation, such as Wi-Fi secure payments, mobile app payments, and virtual wallet. The company has a system in place to access and create wallets in the cloud, virtual wallet are used in cryptocurrency transactions. Other payment vehicles that they can help businesses put into action credit card style gift cards and prepaid credit cards. This type of currency is popular around the holidays and for some family situations. There is a large market that can be tapped into with this form of secondary payment.

See more: https://ph.linkedin.com/company/opusconsultingsolutions


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